Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Movie Poster Example 2

This is a poster for the phycalogical horror film The Grudge. As it is a horror poster, lots of dark images are expected in horror film posters, and this film follows this convention. The main focus of the poster in a extream close up on the eye of the main antagonist in the film. The fact that her hair is in front of her adds mystery, leaving plenty to be unknown when someone goes and sees the film. The title of the film is written in red font. Red is the colour of blood and danger, suggesting that the film contains just that. The slogon "It never forgives. It never forgets" also helps add mystery. This is because the poster refares to the antagonist as "it" suggesting that no one knows what "it" is, despite "it" having a female apperance. Related to this, the poster shows a female antagonist which goes against the convention that the antagonist is normally a male.

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